
Anime talks about all kind of life situation a person can be in,which is illustrated beautifully with technical skills.This can help us in our personal growth. ”Find Yourself in the world of anime”

Are you with me?

I feel like I have written short posts and given you adequate time gap.

So today I want to make sure that you are watching the anime that I have told you .

I guess most probably you have finished watching,So how was it ?

Everyone will have different opinion towards it.

One thing I really want to convey is that try to relate it with your present life,you will get a satisfaction that actually worked for me.

If you feel like you are lost,watch anime .In both the anime series,the author illustrates about skills that are achieved from hobbies.The hobbies,I meant is,do what you like to do and turn that your’s.

When I think about skating, my thoughts are about  ‘Sakura’ and when it comes to martial arts,it's  ‘Ranma’.

Make sure you will be remembered with what ever you like deeply,by everyone else.

That makes you the  ‘Real Honest Achiever

You may not know,anime can help in this by giving a starting trigger in subjects that you are interested in.So watch anime.

 Don’t  be lazy by watching and don’t strain your eyes.Because I care for you😘😘 and I want my kids to be good😇😇

Have a good day and make sure you give time for your hobbies.

You may not know,may be you are the one😎.

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